Thursday, August 29, 2024

In Just a Little While ........

Hebrews 10:37  For,

“In just a little while,
    he who is coming will come
    and will not delay.”

This verse is a promise of the Lord's return.  Hallelujah!  

Recently I asked the Lord a question.  I asked "How much longer must I endure?"  I heard in just a little while.  He said look up the bible verse with those words.  His answer was Hebrews 10:37.

Who do you know that has been persevering in "a" circumstance for a very long time?  It may even be you.  Has one thing after another setback afflicted your life, your family, your health, your finances?   

There’s hope.   The writer in Hebrews says that in just a little while, He who is coming, will come and not delay.   Though this passage is talking about when Jesus returns, I believe we can use this promise to cling to even today.    

As I was studying out that passage, I came across this commentary - 

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

10:32-39 Many and various afflictions united against the early Christians, and they had a great conflict. The Christian spirit is not a selfish spirit; it puts us upon pitying others, visiting them, helping them, and pleading for them.  

Let’s talk about this.  It talks about the early Christians.  They had great conflict and many and various afflictions.  Sound familiar to your life or someone you know?  I’m raising my hand!!!!  

Do we have a part in this?  When another believer is going through the ringer what are “WE” to do?    The commentary says it this way “The Christian spirit is not a selfish spirit; it puts us upon pitying others, visiting them, helping them, and pleading for them.” 

God in His mercy and grace will often put someone on my heart to pray for.  I may or may not know the reason, but it is my part to pray.  It requires immediate obedience!   If the Lord tells me to do something for them, that too requires immediate obedience because anything delayed is really disobedience.  The Lord doesn’t have to use people to help people, BUT He chooses to use us to bring glory to Him.  

Are you listening?  Are you willing to do whatever HE asks of you?  Are you willing to help and plead for them and have pity on them?   We are to help our brothers and sisters in Christ so that they can be encouraged and strengthened in the Lord.  We are to meet their needs whatever God asks!  Sometimes it’s just a simple call or a visit along with prayer.  Sometimes it’s practical and requires effort.   And sometimes it means giving up something we hold dear.  

This past couple of weeks we have been hit hard financially.  Not only did our rent go up significantly this month, Ken found out he has to have emergency dental work - two root canals and crowns… along with much more.  The root canals so far are being estimated around $6400.  Thankfully we have a friend who owns a dental lab and he has offered to cover the cost of the two crowns.  That saves us a little but not as much as we hoped because the local dentist said the "lab" fees weren't that much.   Recently our car has had some “safety” issues.  We just paid $549 to fix one of them and the next one is $1943.  They require $1500 up front to pay for the cost of the part.  And did I mention that our fairly new freezer malfunctioned and we lost ALL our meat and seafood.  Estimated around $1000.  The freezer part will be covered, but they are not covering the food loss.  I am working with the BBB and Corporate Maytag but not holding my breath.  The have been pretty adamant they will not reimburse us!  This had made me sick to my stomach.  I am extra frugal when I shop.  I stock up when sales are on and Ken vacuum seals all of it so it lasts a long time.  This has been stuff we’ve been buying for a year or more.   Thankfully Costco where we purchased it offered us $100 gift card for some of the loss.  

I have to have some medical tests which equate to $300 this week.  I had a scary thing happen as well.  I experienced “kaleidoscope vision” for about 30 minutes and then a major headache to go with it.  If you haven’t experienced this, let me say it is beyond freaky and quite scary.  All I could see was blurry and colors swirling around.   I asked my doctor about it and he said that it could be stress, migraine or stroke.   Well that’s great!!  Let’s add one more thing to my extremely long list of afflictions!!!  I am beyond weary!!!  Pain levels have been over the top with no relief in sight.  Let's just say that this song is one I've been playing on repeat.... 

The Lord knew how difficult things are so He sent quite a few friends reaching out to me to pray.  They all said something similar - that I have been on their heart and they have been praying almost non-stop for me.   They listened and acted.  Praise God!  If they hadn't, who knows where this would have led.  

I had a friend reach out to me Monday and say that they were sending me $601 because the Lord told them too.  I asked why $601 and they said because that was how much they had saved as a nest egg and it became an idol to them.  Wow!!!   The Lord will bless her obedience and sacrifice!!! 

After suggesting to Ken that he ask if he could work some extra on Saturday's, his   boss asked him to work this weekend a few hours.  Our church asked Ken to do a small painting job for pay.   Every little bit helps! 

The Lord is definitely working through people who are willing to listen and obey His voice.  We are not anywhere close to out of the woods, but we are trusting Jesus for everything.   It’s encouraging to me when someone takes the time to reach out and ask how they can pray…or just offers an encouraging word.   

I am wiling always Lord.  Use me, spend me however You see fit! 

God desires us to be His hands and feet.  Are we willing?   Do we have enough compassion and kindness in us to help those who need to be pulled out of the pit, encouraged and strengthened in the Lord.  If we don’t, well maybe it’s about time we asked for it.  Here’s a good song to listen to -     God wants us to love others as He loves us!   Every good and perfect gift comes from Him.  Every blessing we have comes from Him!!  Freely you have received, freely give!  

So - if any of this resonates with you and you want or need prayer or have another need, please message me.  It's an honor to come alongside and do what I can to keep you in the race, to hold your arms up when you don't think you can go on.  

Thank you for your continued prayers for us!  We do appreciate it!  Luke 6:38 

Hugs, love and prayers.

Ken & Michele Cole - quality freeze dried food - simple to use, quality, non GMO, nutritious & delicious.   I am looking for people who might want to host a Tasting Party - you can earn free food without even spending anything.  

Here are ways you can give if you feel led:

1.  Non tax deductible donations can be made to:

     Ken & Michele Cole, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840  (preferable as the options below will tax us) 

     This is the only way currently we can use funds for our personal needs at this time.  or through 

Paypal - 

Venmo- @Michele-Cole-20

Cashapp -$micheleacole2019     

2.  Tax deductible options:

     Checks payable to Sonlit Fields, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840

     This goes into our ministry account to be used for outreach and saving towards our vision.

     Donor Fund - The Signatry - Ken & Michele Cole - listed under Want InSight Fund.

     7171 W 95th Street, Suite 501, Overland Park, KS 66212

     Phone 913 310 0279


     This is an option to keep gifts anonymous - again for outreach and savings toward our vision.


God has given us a vision to build a retreat property along with ministry equipping center.  

The retreat portion of our ministry is to provide a safe place for pastors, lay leaders & other ministry folks to come and be refreshed & encouraged through prophetic ministry (if wanted).  We will offer private cabins with kitchens & full bathrooms, and plenty of places to roam on the property to get quiet with the Lord. 

We will offer other specialty retreats - marriage, healing, prophetic teaching & activating people into the world & health and wellness retreats and more.  

The Lord has graced us with the desire to come alongside the Church - to bring healing, deliverance & freedom to new/newer believers.  We are not wanting to replace their church, but better help them be ready to serve in their church. 

In our community building - we will eventually have a 24/7 prayer room, healing & prophetic rooms and a place for community worship services for those on the property.  

Our passion is to minister to a lost & hurting world.   To equip the saints to do the same and to be a blessing to our community and surrounding areas.  Our hopes are that we can pour out God's love in a mighty way to bring more and more souls into the Kingdom, get them discipled, called into their purpose & destiny and released to do God's business!!!!  We also have a passion to give generously to help those in need and to help others launch into their God given destinies.  

Friday, June 7, 2024

How Do You Respond to Pride In Others?

Pride really isn't the most popular thing to talk about!  There's a reason I am writing this blog today.....and it may surprise you.  

Pride - 

From Oxford Dictionary  -

"A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired."

From the Bible 

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). 

I'm pretty sure each one of us have experienced pride in our own life.   And I'm confident we know one or two people who are prideful, arrogant and even pompous.  God frowns on pride and there is much to say in His Word about being prideful.  Actually He uses the word hate!!

Proverbs 8:13 “To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behaviour and perverse speech.” 

Proverbs 16:5 “The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.

This morning in my quiet time, I was venting to the Lord about someone.   This person has been getting under my skin every time I see them.   I was telling God how arrogant they were, how disrespectful, how prideful they are, it seems like every time they open their mouth!   I asked the Lord to reveal His heart for this person.  I asked Him to change my heart towards them.   Do you know what He told me?   He told me to pray for them.  He asked me to pray specifically that they would come into a place of humility.    That may sound like a good prayer, but to me that's a dangerous prayer.  I'll get back to that in a moment.  

Over the years, I have met and known many prideful people.   If you've read previous blogs, then you know that my brain works like a connect the dot board.  I pick up on patterns.   I pick up on clues both in the natural and in the spiritual realm.   I'm a feeler.  I often feel what is going on in someone's heart.  I can pick up on atmospheres.   There are many reasons people become prideful, but the most common one I have seen is they have been hurt.   You've heard it said that hurt people, hurt people.   

Pride is a "mask" people put on to deflect hurt and pain that may come their way.   If it's arrogant pride, the mask is to help them feel important.  Maybe growing up they were told lies that said they weren't.   False humility is also pride and this is one that I have struggled with.  I have deflected compliments and felt not worthy to receive them.  God used a book to point this out in my life.  The Lord also showed me one time in our home group.  I was placed in the center to get prayer.   Every wonderful prayer and prophetic word, I literally saw bounce off of me. They would not penetrate my heart.   I had a protective bubble around me.   I had no idea.  But it all stemmed from being told I was worthless and that everything bad that happened to me, I deserved it.  It's been a long journey and one I'm still one trying to overcome those lies.  I am finally learning to receive.  

So back to the prayer God has asked of me.  There are so many lost and hurting souls in the world.  There are many that their "ministries" are imploding.   Everywhere you turn, someone is being exposed and called out on their sin.   I have mixed emotions about that.   I am thankful that they are being exposed as to stop the continued pain they perpetrate on others.  On the other hand, I wouldn't want to be the one that gets exposed. I wouldn't want to cause hurt to others.  Would you?   Praying for someone's pride may be a dangerous prayer because it may cause someone's downfall.  And God may expose you in the midst of it.  

However, we can and must pray for these folks.  We could start with our own sphere of influence.  Surely, there is one or two people you can begin to pray for consistently.  Ask God to heal them of their hurts because that is where sin comes in.  Sin is a mask to cover up some kind of pain!   Ask the Lord to show you who to pray for and how to pray specifically.   Start with yourself.   We all have pride in one way or another.  God hates it and so should we! 

Pray for the ministries you see in the news or on social media that are crumbling because of sin issues.  Pray for the leaders to have a broken and contrite spirit.   Ask God to intervene.  He's a God of mercy and compassion but He is also a God of justice!  

God rescues the afflicted by their affliction; He instructs them by their torment. Job 36:15 HCSB 

This verse I read today in my quiet time.  Often God will use hardships to get our attention.  He doesn't cause them.  He allows them.  Sometimes the hardships are for our own good.  To get us in line with His Truth.  Other times they are used to grow our faith and draw us near to Him.   Will we allow these hardships to make us better or will we choose to be bitter.  It's our choice!

Prayer Requests/Praise Reports

Ken & I will be traveling to Kansas City, unexpectedly due to Ken's father's health.  He has been diagnosed cancer and it has already spread.  It's very aggressive and fast growing.  We are thankful for the Lord providing through some family air fare and accommodations.  There are other expenses that we are trusting Him for.   Please pray for Clyde and Donna, his parents - for peace that passes all understanding!   Please pray for our travel days as well.  Both coming and going will be long days up at 4 and not home or to hotel until after 10pm. 

 I have entered a competition for - If you're on Facebook please vote daily.  I am in 2nd in my group (lots of groups) and the competition ends in July.  If I were to win, I would receive $25,000 which I could use towards publishing the books I'm writing or a newer more reliable SUV. ??  But there are other perks to winning as well.   I'm thankful that I have fed 1000's of people over the years and they liked my cooking because that has helped this competition greatly!  However, I am competing against professional chefs and others.  It's all popular vote right now.   I'm humbled by the favor God is giving me..... and it's definitely a stretch for me.   The Lord's will be done!

Please pray for Ken's health - teeth and other things going on....  He is the healthy one, so this is hard on him.  

Please pray for me - pain, new pain, sleep.   My doctor has put me on a new medication that is supposed to help with pain but not narcotic or habit also has other benefits for thyroid, sleep and more.   I am having some of the "rare" side effects so dosing has remained low for now.  Pray that if this is something God will use, i won't have the awful side effects.  

Thank you so much for your ongoing love and support.  We are continuing to trust God daily for needs and for the timing of His vision.  Lots of stuff stirring there.....  

Let me know how we can pray for YOU!!! 

Hugs, love and prayers.

Ken & Michele Cole - quality freeze dried food - simple to use, quality, non GMO, nutritious & delicious.   I am looking for people who might want to host a Tasting Party - you can earn free food without even spending anything.  

Here are ways you can give if you feel led:

1.  Non tax deductible donations can be made to:

     Ken & Michele Cole, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840  (preferable as the options below will tax us) 

     This is the only way currently we can use funds for our personal needs at this time.  or through 

Paypal - 

Venmo- @Michele-Cole-20

Cashapp -$micheleacole2019     

2.  Tax deductible options:

     Checks payable to Sonlit Fields, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840

     This goes into our ministry account to be used for outreach and saving towards our vision.

     Donor Fund - The Signatry - Ken & Michele Cole - listed under Want InSight Fund.

     7171 W 95th Street, Suite 501, Overland Park, KS 66212

     Phone 913 310 0279


     This is an option to keep gifts anonymous - again for outreach and savings toward our vision.


God has given us a vision to build a retreat property along with ministry equipping center.  

The retreat portion of our ministry is to provide a safe place for pastors, lay leaders & other ministry folks to come and be refreshed & encouraged through prophetic ministry (if wanted).  We will offer private cabins with kitchens & full bathrooms, and plenty of places to roam on the property to get quiet with the Lord. 

We will offer other specialty retreats - marriage, healing, prophetic teaching & activating people into the world & health and wellness retreats and more.  

The Lord has graced us with the desire to come alongside the Church - to bring healing, deliverance & freedom to new/newer believers.  We are not wanting to replace their church, but better help them be ready to serve in their church. 

In our community building - we will eventually have a 24/7 prayer room, healing & prophetic rooms and a place for community worship services for those on the property.  

Our passion is to minister to a lost & hurting world.   To equip the saints to do the same and to be a blessing to our community and surrounding areas.  Our hopes are that we can pour out God's love in a mighty way to bring more and more souls into the Kingdom, get them discipled, called into their purpose & destiny and released to do God's business!!!!  We also have a passion to give generously to help those in need and to help others launch into their God given destinies.  


Monday, May 20, 2024

Favorite Chef Voting BEGINS NOW


Most of you know I love to cook.   Well, I did something......

I wanted to ask you all a favor, please!   I have entered into a contest for the next Favorite Chef.   The prize money is $25,000 and the cover of Taste of Home Magazine.  And if I succeed there, then I get to go to New York and cook with professional Chefs!  It is based on the most number of votes! 

I would really love your support as we could use the prize money for bills.  

Here's the link to vote -

Thank you so very much!!!  

Hugs, love and prayers.

Ken & Michele Cole - quality freeze dried food - simple to use, quality, non GMO, nutritious & delicious.   I am looking for people who might want to host a Tasting Party - you can earn free food without even spending anything.  

Here are ways you can give if you feel led:

1.  Non tax deductible donations can be made to:

     Ken & Michele Cole, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840  (preferable as the options below will tax us) 

     This is the only way currently we can use funds for our personal needs at this time.  or through 

Paypal - 

Venmo- @Michele-Cole-20

Cashapp -$micheleacole2019     

2.  Tax deductible options:

     Checks payable to Sonlit Fields, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840

     This goes into our ministry account to be used for outreach and saving towards our vision.

     Donor Fund - The Signatry - Ken & Michele Cole - listed under Want InSight Fund.

     7171 W 95th Street, Suite 501, Overland Park, KS 66212

     Phone 913 310 0279


     This is an option to keep gifts anonymous - again for outreach and savings toward our vision.


God has given us a vision to build a retreat property along with ministry equipping center.  

The retreat portion of our ministry is to provide a safe place for pastors, lay leaders & other ministry folks to come and be refreshed & encouraged through prophetic ministry (if wanted).  We will offer private cabins with kitchens & full bathrooms, and plenty of places to roam on the property to get quiet with the Lord. 

We will offer other specialty retreats - marriage, healing, prophetic teaching & activating people into the world & health and wellness retreats and more.  

The Lord has graced us with the desire to come alongside the Church - to bring healing, deliverance & freedom to new/newer believers.  We are not wanting to replace their church, but better help them be ready to serve in their church. 

In our community building - we will eventually have a 24/7 prayer room, healing & prophetic rooms and a place for community worship services for those on the property.  

Our passion is to minister to a lost & hurting world.   To equip the saints to do the same and to be a blessing to our community and surrounding areas.  Our hopes are that we can pour out God's love in a mighty way to bring more and more souls into the Kingdom, get them discipled, called into their purpose & destiny and released to do God's business!!!!  We also have a passion to give generously to help those in need and to help others launch into their God given destinies.  

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Don't Give Up!

 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. Genesis 50:20 

Are you going through a long difficult season?  Are you weary beyond weary?  Do you wonder if God will ever bring you through your circumstances?  Are you wavering in any hope for things to change?    

If you answered yes to these questions, you are NOT alone!  Wave after wave, people in the body of Christ are being pummeled.   Some have health issues that look dire.  Some like me deal with chronic pain that is so intense it makes me cry often.  Some have wayward children that are so far from God, it seems impossible they'll ever know the Lord.  Some have crushing financial burdens wondering how they will pay their bills or buy groceries. It seems like all of hell has been unleashed on those who are sold out to the Lord.   There are so many reasons I could go on an on.   

My heart aches.  I have great compassion and use that as a fragrant offering of intercession.   Today a friend of mine sent me this over Facebook.  I have NOT talked to her in years.  

 The Lord clearly told me to pray for you out of my own need. Like, lay down my own need and pray for your healing. So I believe with all my heart it will be finished. Hi there! I’ve been following your updates and praying for you. Intentionally, not just saying it! I sensed to say to you today “you will live and not die, and may the curse that is over you be broken in Jesus name. May the stone roll away providing a resurrected life you have ever known. I care about you

This was probably the most kind thing someone could do for me.  This is the kindest thing we could do for others.   Many are on the verge of giving up.  Many are on the verge of suicide.  Many are at wit's end.   Only God is the answer and God doesn't seem to mind the length of time it's taking.  

I'm back in the book of Job and I felt the Lord said take a deep dive into it.  I've only just started but it's a book of the Bible I relate to and have read numerous times.   I feel the Lord is already speaking to me and wants me to bring a message of hope through it.  

In just the first few chapters..... we find that the Lord spoke to Satan himself and said have you seen my servant Job??   The Lord volunteered Job to be attacked.  That goes against many peoples theology.   Next, Job's wife has already told him to curse God.   Isn't that just like the enemy to use someone we know to have us turn against God.   The enemy has been studying us for a long time.  He has so many tricks up his sleeve to keep us discouraged, hopeless and ready to give up.  Believe me, I know firsthand.  

 I have been going through the most intense mental and physical battle recently.  The pain levels are over the top.  I described it to a friend this way.  Picture this - someone is standing in front of you inches from your face and they are screaming at the top of their lungs at you.  Would you be able to focus on anything else other than their screaming?   That's how intense the pain is.  It's screaming!!!!  It's consuming and I hate it!   Chapter 3 of Job talks about how he wished he was never born.  He didn't curse God.    Have you felt that way?   Me too! 

When we are going through excruciating or painful circumstances, it's easy to blame God. It's easy to say where are you God?  Why are you not taking this away?  Why did this happen, yada yada yada!    It's easy to give up!   It's easy to want life to end!  (That's not the answer)  

God's ways are not ours - that's for sure!   His timing is not ours either!  We don't understand the why's and how come's.   But He does.  His purpose is far greater than what we could even imagine.  We don't have any clue the depth of faith He is growing in us, or the ability to reach someone and minister to them because of what we are or have gone through.  We do not know the impact our lives are making to those around us.  People are watching us whether we realize it or not.   People are seeing Jesus or they are not.   Are we going to allow the storms of this life to make us bitter or better?  Are we going to trust God when we don't understand? 

What our part is, in my opinion, is to go deeper in the Lord. To seek Jesus, not His hand. (That's hard).   Our part is to STAND on His promises and know that HE is a good God!  

Our part is to love others where they are.  Not necessarily advice but just sit with them, lend an ear, lend a shoulder to cry on.  Pray for them. Reach out to them and let them know God is right there with them.  He hasn't forgotten you or me.   He's in the midst of it all.  

This past week - not only did I have the friend mentioned above, but I had another reach out to me to recommend someone to do ministry with me.  I think they were concerned I'd say no.... but instead I jumped all over it and am scheduled.   I had two different prayer ministries CALL me to pray over the phone.   God knows where I'm at.  Barely hanging on but still I am.   He knows where you are at and He knows what you need.   These little things has given me some hope to hold on - and the fortitude to keep moving forward.  

Let's be LOVE and KINDNESS to those around us!   Let's show mercy and grace and help people overcome.  You have NO idea the BATTLE they are in.   If there is someone you can reach out to, share some of your time, talent, treasure or touch, please do!  Don't delay!  Their life may depend on YOU and your obedience.  

And one thing for sure - God is NOT wasting this time.  He has great plans for each of us and He is and will continue to use us to reach a lost and hurting world.   There is a greater purpose in ALL of this!   Remember the end of the book of Job - He was rewarded and given greater!   We will be too! 

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.  2 Chronicles 15:7 

Father, I pray in the name of Jesus for ALL who are going through difficult times.  I ask that Your mighty hand be upon their life.  I speak hope and courage and strength to persevere, but moreso I pray your mercy and grace will overtake their circumstances.  I speak life, healing and wholeness to all who need a touch.  I speak your divine provision for those with financial needs.  I pray that you would change the trajectory of their lives with just one word from your lips.  God come show up and show off.  Let the world know that YOU are their God.  We pray in the  name of Jesus!  Amen 

Prayer points - 

I am still looking for work - from home and/or an increase in my Thrive Life business.   Due to the intense pain from plantar fasciitis and the back pain, working outside the home is becoming more difficult.  I've applied everywhere and yet no open doors (yet).    God has always been faithful to bring me the work He knows I can do.    I  wish I could qualify for disability, but unsure. I've applied and have been denied as I haven't "worked" enough in the last 15 years.  We are trusting Him for our daily provision and needs.      Pray for my healing!   

So appreciate you all.  Thank you for your continued love and prayers.   And I am here if you need prayer.  Reach out! 

Hugs, love and prayers.

Ken & Michele Cole - quality freeze dried food - simple to use, quality, non GMO, nutritious & delicious.   I am looking for people who might want to host a Tasting Party - you can earn free food without even spending anything.  

Here are ways you can give if you feel led:

1.  Non tax deductible donations can be made to:

     Ken & Michele Cole, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840  (preferable as the options below will tax us) 

     This is the only way currently we can use funds for our personal needs at this time.  or through 

Paypal - 

Venmo- @Michele-Cole-20

Cashapp -$micheleacole2019     

2.  Tax deductible options:

     Checks payable to Sonlit Fields, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840

     This goes into our ministry account to be used for outreach and saving towards our vision.

     Donor Fund - The Signatry - Ken & Michele Cole - listed under Want InSight Fund.

     7171 W 95th Street, Suite 501, Overland Park, KS 66212

     Phone 913 310 0279


     This is an option to keep gifts anonymous - again for outreach and savings toward our vision.


God has given us a vision to build a retreat property along with ministry equipping center.  

The retreat portion of our ministry is to provide a safe place for pastors, lay leaders & other ministry folks to come and be refreshed & encouraged through prophetic ministry (if wanted).  We will offer private cabins with kitchens & full bathrooms, and plenty of places to roam on the property to get quiet with the Lord. 

We will offer other specialty retreats - marriage, healing, prophetic teaching & activating people into the world & health and wellness retreats and more.  

The Lord has graced us with the desire to come alongside the Church - to bring healing, deliverance & freedom to new/newer believers.  We are not wanting to replace their church, but better help them be ready to serve in their church. 

In our community building - we will eventually have a 24/7 prayer room, healing & prophetic rooms and a place for community worship services for those on the property.  

Our passion is to minister to a lost & hurting world.   To equip the saints to do the same and to be a blessing to our community and surrounding areas.  Our hopes are that we can pour out God's love in a mighty way to bring more and more souls into the Kingdom, get them discipled, called into their purpose & destiny and released to do God's business!!!!  We also have a passion to give generously to help those in need and to help others launch into their God given destinies.  

Thursday, March 7, 2024


Romans 2:4 ESV Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?

Hello!   It's been a while since my last blog.  Today, I feel so burdened and grieved with what we are seeing in the Church.  It's not a surprise to me but it deeply saddens me.  

What am I talking about?   I'm talking about ministry leaders, worship leaders and others falling from grace.   I'm talking about the ones that have been confronted repeatedly and still choose not to repent and get right with the Lord.    

For over a decade the Lord has been highlighting people - many I know - that are not right with Him; are teaching heresy; false prophetic and more.   My job was to intercede for them.  Period!   It wasn't my job to expose them.  It wasn't my job to gossip.     I have seen some step down and get right.  Hallelujah!  Some, still hiding in their deception and others yet exposed but not willing to change.  

I prayed that they would see their ways, the deception they've fallen into and turn.  And for some, that when the Lord would finally expose in His great mercy, they would have the right response.  A response to take responsibility, have accountability and get healed up.  

God looks for a humble and contrite heart.  We must be correctable and teachable.  We must be willing to be transparent and open (not with everyone) but with those we are in relationship with.    I'm not perfect by any means and I don't have it all together, but I do give permission to those in relationship with me to help me see my blind spots and to help me overcome them.  I ask the Lord often to search me and know me and point out anything that offends Him.   I then repent and ask for His help to avoid that pitfall again.  

God in His kindness will always try and get our attention first through our quiet time with Him, or in dreams or vision but when that doesn't work,  He sends others, others that have been shown exactly what is going on.  And if that doesn't work, He brings public and humiliating exposure.  Ouch! 

I reached out to Bob Sorge as I have long respected and valued his teaching and maturity in the Lord.  I wanted to know how he stays strong and healthy in the Lord.     He shared with me this video   I highly recommend it.  He has 5 amazing points to make.  Though he is talking about what happened at IHOP it's the 5 lessons we can learn from Bob that really speaks to me and hopefully to you as well.    In a nutshell (but listen to his teaching please)

1. We need to guard our heart against sin.  Guard how we speak to others in the body of Christ.  We need not worry about the speck in other people's eyes, but deal with the log in ours!

2. We need to extend mercy to everyone who is sinning!!  That's everyone.  That's you and that's me.  God will have mercy on us as we have mercy on others.  Even when we blow it or make wrong decisions, God's mercy is new every morning.  Let's extend that same mercy (be like Christ).  

3. We need to be patient with our leaders.  We need to pray for our leaders, our pastors and anyone in influence.  

4.  We must not have any secrets before God or others!!  We need to confess it and bring it into the light!   Judas had secrets.  He kept stuffing them and satan entered him uninvited which then led to his destruction.  Peter had issues but he was an open book.  He lived in the light.  Satan had to ask permission to sift him like wheat.  We need to deal with what's in our hearts.  No secrets!!

5. We need to respond the way Jesus did in John 13:31 so that the Son of Man can be glorified.  God can be glorified in our crushing.  We need to love one another.  It's time to love.  Love everyone!  We need to sow seed with our love for Christ and others! 

Ken had a vision a few weeks ago that he shared with our church.  He felt it was for him and for the Church as well.   His vision was simply that there was a beef tenderloin and the Lord was trimming it.  It takes a sharp knife and time to trim it into something beautiful.  He also saw a 1/2 a cow and it was being cut up into different pieces.  His interpretation was that the Lord was going to start cutting and trimming him (and the Church).   

If you are living in sin or are keeping a secret of some kind, please humble yourself and turn from your sin.  Seek help.  Talk to someone who you are comfortable with but who will speak the Truth in Love and help you overcome.   

If God is nudging you to make something right with someone, then do it!  Don't wait another day.  

God is all about mercy and grace  to those that are humble.  He resists the proud. He will eventually expose the proud.  Allow Him to trim off anything that is not in line with His
Word in your life.  Allow Him to cut out the gristle and fat.  

  It's time we allow Him to cleanse us and prepare us to be His pure spotless bride.   He is coming..... we must be ready!!  

If you have need of prayer, please reach out! 

Prayer request please:

Ken had to have emergency dental work which is a pretty hefty bill.  

Ken broke (by accident) the glass in our back door which is also a pretty hefty bill

Ken has to have new glasses as his eyesight has changed drastically.

I am looking for work - from home and/or an increase in my Thrive Life business.   Due to the intense pain from plantar fasciitis and the back pain, working outside the home is becoming more difficult.  I've applied everywhere and yet no open doors (yet).    God has always been faithful to bring me the work He knows I can do.    I  wish I could qualify for disability, but unsure.  Praying into this and asking the Lord to direct.. and yet still trusting Him for our daily provision and needs.      Pray for my healing - that would be even better!  

We might be being trimmed and cut??  :)  

So appreciate you all.  Thank you for your continued love and prayers.  

Hugs, love and prayers.

Ken & Michele Cole - quality freeze dried food - simple to use, quality, non GMO, nutritious & delicious.   I am looking for people who might want to host a Tasting Party - you can earn free food without even spending anything.  

Here are ways you can give if you feel led:

1.  Non tax deductible donations can be made to:

     Ken & Michele Cole, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840  (preferable as the options below will tax us) 

     This is the only way currently we can use funds for our personal needs at this time.  or through 

Paypal - 

Venmo- @Michele-Cole-20

Cashapp -$micheleacole2019     

2.  Tax deductible options:

     Checks payable to Sonlit Fields, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840

     This goes into our ministry account to be used for outreach and saving towards our vision.

     Donor Fund - The Signatry - Ken & Michele Cole - listed under Want InSight Fund.

     7171 W 95th Street, Suite 501, Overland Park, KS 66212

     Phone 913 310 0279


     This is an option to keep gifts anonymous - again for outreach and savings toward our vision.


God has given us a vision to build a retreat property along with ministry equipping center.  

The retreat portion of our ministry is to provide a safe place for pastors, lay leaders & other ministry folks to come and be refreshed & encouraged through prophetic ministry (if wanted).  We will offer private cabins with kitchens & full bathrooms, and plenty of places to roam on the property to get quiet with the Lord. 

We will offer other specialty retreats - marriage, healing, prophetic teaching & activating people into the world & health and wellness retreats and more.  

The Lord has graced us with the desire to come alongside the Church - to bring healing, deliverance & freedom to new/newer believers.  We are not wanting to replace their church, but better help them be ready to serve in their church. 

In our community building - we will eventually have a 24/7 prayer room, healing & prophetic rooms and a place for community worship services for those on the property.  

Our passion is to minister to a lost & hurting world.   To equip the saints to do the same and to be a blessing to our community and surrounding areas.  Our hopes are that we can pour out God's love in a mighty way to bring more and more souls into the Kingdom, get them discipled, called into their purpose & destiny and released to do God's business!!!!  We also have a passion to give generously to help those in need and to help others launch into their God given destinies.