Friday, June 26, 2009

Our founding fathers and principles of Christianity

The following article was written by Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown Financial Ministries. I feel called to share this with you in its entirety. Please read it to its’ conclusion. I'd love to hear your thoughts, so please send me feedback via the blog or email.

233 years after the Declaration, our freedom is at risk

“As they penned their names in the summer of 1776, the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence noted their “firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence” and pledged to each other their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.

Their words illustrated the enormity of the sacrifices they might be required to make and their dependence on God’s help for the success of their cause. Victory would require nothing short of a miracle. America’s poorly trained Continental Army was outnumbered three to one by the British and their German mercenaries.

Years after America’s miraculous victory in that war, John Adams said that the “general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity.” Adams was among the signers of the Declaration of Independence alon with men like Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Rush.

Franklin said that Jesus’ system of morals and religion is “the best the world ever saw or is likely to see.” And Rush noted that the U.S. Constitution was “as much the work of a Divine Providence as any of the miracles recorded in the Old and New Testament”

These are just a small sample of the statements confirming the Christian worldview of our founding fathers and their dependence on God. They understood the need for divine protection and provision – something we must never forget if we hope to experience God’s continued blessing on our nation.

Because our foundations were built upon honoring God, He made our nation great. Our prosperity was a gift. We made a practice of rewarding merit, and the practice helped fuel continued progress. And, we became one of the most well-ordered societies in history.

Instead of looking to God, many Americans are now looking to man and human wisdom for solutions to the ongoing financial crisis. The majority appears open to more government intervention and control, consequently limiting the freedom we have enjoyed, which has allowed our creativity and innovation to flourish.

Today, on many levels, we have shunned God. We have taken his blessings of prosperity and made them a higher priority than Him. Our drive to preserve our national and individual prosperity is leading us to bigger government with more controls over the private sector and dependence upon foreign credit.

The same events that would have led us to fall on our knees and ask for God’s help now cause us to seek help from Washington. This help is extremely costly, and as a result, we’ll be adding trillions of dollars to our national debt over the next 10 years.

These massive government deficits must be covered by taxing Americans, borrowing from other nations, or printing more money. Tax increases hurt the economy and cost jobs, borrowing makes us dependent on nations like China, and printing more money devalues our currency and causes inflation.

All of these tactics are misguided attempts to restore prosperity and good times, and they will all result in less freedom and potentially, future bondage. President Obama was recently quoted as saying that our federal debt is “unsustainable” and that we are “mortgaging our children’s future.”

I believe there is a great urgency for God’s people to turn back, to reset our dependence on God rather than on man and man’s wisdom. However, this won’t happen unless we are willing to live a life of obedience to our Lord. Our example is Christ, who gave up much in order to fulfill God’s purposes for this world. Paul examined our Lord’s unselfish attitudes in Philippians 2.

He then addressed us as believers, encouraging us to obey God “with deep reverence and fear” (verse 12 NLT) to be effective, we must “Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people” (verse 15 NLT)

This means we must order our lives according to the principles of God’s economy, not man’s. We must reset our dependence upon those principles and make God, not His blessings, the object of tour our in the life. I too say, let us pledge to God our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor and live in firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence.

Considering the current course of events in our nation, we cannot afford to wait. We, and we alone, are the salt and light of America, and what we do in the next few ears could largely determine the course our nation follows for decades.*

We look forward to lending insight to your mortgage and financial needs. Please call us at 913-642-3334 or email us at or Blessings

* Reprinted with permission from Money Matters, a monthly economic magazine published by Crown Financial Ministries, Gainesville, Georgia. July 2009, Issue 376

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