Thursday, February 11, 2021


God said to Moses, I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ Exodus 3:14  

The other day in my quiet time.  I was crying.  I was crying out pleading with the Lord on many subjects!  

Before I could just sit and intentionally listen for His response to my never ending questions...   I immediately heard this resounding voice speak to me, "I AM"!   

It was straight to the point!  

It was firm and yet tender. 

It was commanding but gentle. 

It was simple but yet profound.  

It was kind and yet convicting.  

Most of all, it was EFFECTIVE!  

An excerpt taken from - 

The Hebrew words in Exodus 3:14 for “I AM THAT I AM” are ehyeh asher ehyeh which should more accurately be translated “I will be what I will be” or as Rotherham translates it, “I will become whatsoever I may become.”  This expression in Exodus 3:14 is an idiom, an expression that has a meaning that cannot be understood by the individual words.  So, what does “I AM THAT I AM” mean?

By using the translation “I will become whatsoever I may become,” we see the relationship of this phrase to Yahweh – “He who becometh.”  They both use the word “become.” The use of ehyeh asher ehyeh in Exodus 3:14 was God’s way of assuring and pledging to Moses and Israel that God would become whatever they needed Him to become.   

This promise found in the name of God can be extended to the world of mankind. God will become what they need Him to become – an architect for the plan of salvation that will bring them back into harmony with Him.  In the case of the heavenly church, God will be all we need to make our calling and election sure.


Well, that sums it up for me, how about you?  What do you need God to become for you?

Healer - Deliverer - Provider - Restorer - Father - Husband - Spouse -  Comforter - Counselor - Leader - Life Source - You pick! 

That answer "I AM" is all encompassing - all sufficient and all that is needed!  

There are so many beautiful souls that are hurting, lost and broken. Some fellow believers who have been through an intense season of long suffering in one way or another.  There are those that don't know the Lord (even some that do)  that are being led further and further from the Truth.   It's time for the Church to come out of it's slumber and BECOME who God designed us to be.  And yet, there are hinderances or things keeping us from that.   We need God to be the Great I AM and release us from all that keeps us from this!  

                              What do you need God to become for YOU?

                              What will it take for YOU to step fully into His call on your life? 


Prayer and Praise! 

Ken is still painting and thankful that there has been close to full time work (indoors).  We have had a mild winter up until February, when it all seemed to hit at once.  We've had probably a foot of snow with another 3-6" coming over the next couple days.. our temps have been decent until now too...we are going to see -20 to -30 wind chills today with actual temps in the - digits.  With temps this low, Ken uses my car since his doesn't have heat or defrost AT all.  Please pray for God to provide a reliable AWD vehicle for Ken (with heat & defrost & snow tires)    Pray for him as he travels all over the valley for safety on the slick roads.  Pray for his endurance.  It's a lot of physical labor up and down ladders.   He's able but he's not wired for this.    

Michele - Same ole, same ole - prayer for healing please.  I have some decent days but pain levels are still mostly unbearable.  Sleep is hit or miss -and sometimes not at all which takes a huge toll on me.  I am thankful for my boss who provides great grace when I am hitting the wall.   I am working part time - 25-30 hours a week remotely for an insurance agent in KC.  Funny I come to Montana to find work in KC.  But it's a good fit overall.  Please pray for the stamina and mental energy as it can be exhausting especially with pain and limited sleep.  

Ministry - We are still contending and believing God for the provision to build the vision.  We are seeing amazing connections with others with similar visions and/or people who want to come alongside us and be part of this.  I love it!  We are continuing to have people for meals and minister to people.  We have become counsel for a few people here which is rewarding.  Please pray for provision to come!   Please pray for continued opportunities to minister and bless others.  

If we can pray for you please feel free to reach out.  We are so thankful for those that continue to pray for us.   You have no idea how much that touches my heart and demonstrates God's love!  Thank YOU!

Ken & Michele Cole
...God's love and care is amazing!!

Here are ways you can give if you feel led:

1.  Non tax deductible donations can be made to:
     Ken & Michele Cole, PO Box 1982, Hamilton, MT 59840  
     This is the only way currently we can use funds for our personal needs at this time.  or through PayPal.Me/micheleacole.  We also have Venmo & CashApp

2.  Tax deductible options:

     Checks payable to Sonlit Fields, PO Box 1982, Hamilton, MT 59840
     This goes into our ministry account to be used for outreach and saving towards our vision.

     Donor Fund - The Signatry - Ken & Michele Cole - listed under Want InSight Fund.
     7171 W 95th Street, Suite 501, Overland Park, KS 66212
     Phone 913 310 0279
     This is an option to keep gifts anonymous - again for outreach and savings toward our vision.

God has given us a vision to build a retreat property along with ministry equipping center.  
The retreat portion of our ministry is to provide a safe place for pastors, lay leaders & other ministry folks to come and be refreshed & encouraged through prophetic ministry (if wanted).  We will offer private cabins with kitchens & full bathrooms, and plenty of places to roam on the property to get quiet with the Lord. 
We will offer other specialty retreats - marriage, healing, prophetic teaching & activating people into the world & health and wellness retreats and more.  

The Lord has graced us with the desire to come alongside the Church - to bring healing, deliverance & freedom to new/newer believers.  We are not wanting to replace their church, but better help them be ready to serve in their church. 
In our community building - we will eventually have a 24/7 prayer room, healing & prophetic rooms and a place for community worship services for those on the property.  

Our passion is to minister to a lost & hurting world.   To equip the saints to do the same and to be a blessing to our community and surrounding areas.  Our hopes are that we can pour out God's love in a mighty way to bring more and more souls into the Kingdom, get them discipled, called into their purpose & destiny and released to do God's business!!!!  We also have a passion to give generously to help those in need and to help others launch into their God given destinies.