Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Are You Being Led Astray?

You ran well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? Galatians 5:7 

Is there a person you know and love that is a gifted Bible teacher?  Maybe someone in your life that you can trust whatever he or she says?  

Do you think it's possible that you could be led astray by this person? Most wouldn't even consider this option.  

Casting Crowns has a song that really spoke to me when I first heard it years ago.  Here's just an excerpt from the lyrics - 

As darkness pulls the strings

Be careful little feet where you go
For it's the little feet behind you
That are sure to follow
It's a slow fade
When you give yourself away
It's a slow fade
When black and white have turned to grey
Songwriters: John Mark Hall
Slow Fade lyrics © My Refuge Music, Be Essential Songs

Over the years, friends would text me and say "you need to watch so and so".  Often I had never even heard of them.  Before I would consider watching, I would pray and the Lord would give me discernment.  More often than not, He would tell me NO.   I wouldn't know why in that moment, but over time, I would be shown.   The same is true for people we used to have at our house for ministry meetings.  People we love and trust.  The Lord had us fade away from some of these folks.  I began seeing some odd things.  Things that didn't settle with my spirit.  Again, caution from the Lord.    

Now you don't always throw the baby out with the bath water, but instead pray for them.  Pray for their eyes to be opened.  Pray for God to reveal HIs truth to them so that they will not continue in a path of deception and for others not to be led astray.   That's what I'm being called to in this season.   In 2014 the Lord showed me to pray for blind eyes open and deaf ears open and over the past almost 10 years, He has revealed more and more deception in the Church and in our world.  
One of the things the Lord showed me early on in my walk was not to hop from conference to conference, prophetic or otherwise.  I was to seek Him on whether I could go or not.   I see so many people that are "conference/prophetic" groupies.   They want the next "now" word.  Facebook is horrific for this.  Every person  thinks they are a prophet.  Feel good words that could apply to just about anyone.  The sad part is the followers of these people  grab onto these words and end up becoming hopeless and discouraged because they didn't come to fruition as "prophesied".  The other thing I hear about lately from every "voice" out there is we are in a new era.  God is doing a new thing and they are the only ones God is giving revelation too.  And they want you to buy into this new revelation!  

Ecclesiastes 1:9 says there is NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN.    Are these people glorifying God or glorifying man?  Are they lifting up the name of Jesus or are they talking about what they can do?  I wouldn't want to hear this when I arrive in heaven - Matthew 7:21-23 
Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.  Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’  And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!
I love the prophetic.  I love it when God reveals His heart and character to someone.  I love the transformation, the healing and the fruit it brings.  I am not against it.  What I am not excited about is when "ministers" have people crawling around on the floor looking for gold dust or feathers coming out of nowhere.   God may allow for these manifestations on rare occasions but I'm pretty confident we aren't to be on the floor looking for them.  
Many are being led astray.  They are being taught they can project themselves into other places - that's called astral projection and if you do the research on that - it's demonic.  It's not of God.   Here's a good article on it     Another real concern is that people are being told they can go to heaven anytime they want.   Again, this is something that God may do but it's rare.  It's not something to be sought after.  This simply is not healthy!   Doors get opened by doing this stuff - wrong doors - and they are doors YOU won't be able to close when you realize the Truth about it.  Only God will be able to shut the doors for you.  It will take repentance and some deliverance ministry.   Oh this stuff sounds good and might even look good.   It might even bring some initial "fruit" like say a smile or joy, but is there lasting fruit - fruit that lines up with the Scripture.  Does it bring transformation to your life in a godly way?   Does it bring healing to an area of your life? 
I know people who have been "translated" but it wasn't because they asked for it.  It was because God wanted to use them somewhere else.  I don't doubt these experiences, because I feel I might have had one.  I remember one night I was lying in bed, half asleep half not.  Suddenly I was on what was called the Gaza Strip.  I was standing on a street corner and I was praying against a suicide bomber not 50' from me.   The next morning when I got on my computer, back in the days yahoo had a ticker running across the bottom of my screen and it caught my eye.  It said "suicide bomber" was diverted on the Gaza Strip.   Wow!!  Now was I there?  I don't know.  Was I dreaming? Maybe.  The experience was very real.  But it was all God!  It had nothing to do with me seeking it out.  All I knew was I felt led to pray against the bomber and I did and it was diverted. I had never heard of the Gaza Strip prior to this.  Ken has had several experiences where he felt like he was in heaven and each time there was healing, cleansing, deliverance and such an awe of the Lord Jesus.  They might have been visions or a dream or real.  Only God knows.  The fruit was the evidence of it being legitimate.  

The Bible is clear that many will be deceived in the last days!   That means even the ones you know and trust.   It is so vital to ask the Lord for the gift of discerning of spirits and to seek wisdom in your decisions.  Even decisions about who you listen to, follow or even the church you go to.   Who you surround yourself with will have a direct impact on your walk with the Lord, good or bad!! 

The Christian must have a spiritual radar that detects the difference not only between bad and good but also among good, better, and best. 

          —Dennis Swanberg

Discernment is not just recognizing the good, better, best or bad, but it's also not doing what the Word of God says.  Many are deceived because of their own lack of understanding, lack of obedience to the Word.   The Bible is not just a book we can pick and choose what we want.  Each verse is a promise, a command and an instruction of how we should live, be and act!  

We also have to get our eyes OFF of the gifts and the manifestations of the gifts but instead.....

Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.  We need to spend time in His Presence, getting back to our first love!  We need to get back to the HOLY FEAR OF THE LORD. The awe of the LORD!!  We need to know His Word so much that if someone says something, we will immediately recognize it's not of God.    As we abide in the Lord, we bear fruit John 15.  When we are washed in the Word, our life reflects it, our actions and words manifest godly things.  Signs and wonders will follow - but we need to be sanctified in Truth! 

My prayer is that in these last days, we will ALL seek the Lord on a deeper level than we've ever known.  That God will open our eyes and give us great wisdom and discernment.   And if you recognize something is off, pray for that person.  Pray for those following them.  Ask the Lord to intervene!!  


Ken - please pray for Ken to have continuous work through the winter.  

Michele - please continue to pray for healing.  

Ministry -  God has been giving us some pinpoint words of knowledge for others and have seen instant healing.  We are continuing to go deeper with our Church and homegroup - and growing.  

Praise - Love Montana more than I can express.  I thank God almost daily for the views, the people and the simpler life.   I do miss my KC restaurants and some conveniences... so if you're coming for a visit, don't be surprised if I have you bring a care package.  :) 

I am so thankful for those who reach out and ask me to pray.  It's such an honor.     Recently at church a testimony came forth someone was healed of cancer who was on hospice.  They said the Lord took them to heaven in a vision and showed her it was because of the prayers of the Saints.   

Let's keep praying for each other!  

 Hugs, love and prayers.

Ken & Michele Cole - quality freeze dried food - simple to use, quality, non GMO, nutritious & delicious.   I am looking for people who might want to host a Tasting Party - you can earn free food without even spending anything.  

Here are ways you can give if you feel led:

1.  Non tax deductible donations can be made to:

     Ken & Michele Cole, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840  (preferable as the options below will tax us) 

     This is the only way currently we can use funds for our personal needs at this time.  or through 

Paypal - 

Venmo- @Michele-Cole-20

Cashapp -$micheleacole2019     

2.  Tax deductible options:

     Checks payable to Sonlit Fields, 103 Geneva Ave, Hamilton, MT 59840

     This goes into our ministry account to be used for outreach and saving towards our vision.

     Donor Fund - The Signatry - Ken & Michele Cole - listed under Want InSight Fund.

     7171 W 95th Street, Suite 501, Overland Park, KS 66212

     Phone 913 310 0279


     This is an option to keep gifts anonymous - again for outreach and savings toward our vision.


God has given us a vision to build a retreat property along with ministry equipping center.  

The retreat portion of our ministry is to provide a safe place for pastors, lay leaders & other ministry folks to come and be refreshed & encouraged through prophetic ministry (if wanted).  We will offer private cabins with kitchens & full bathrooms, and plenty of places to roam on the property to get quiet with the Lord. 

We will offer other specialty retreats - marriage, healing, prophetic teaching & activating people into the world & health and wellness retreats and more.  

The Lord has graced us with the desire to come alongside the Church - to bring healing, deliverance & freedom to new/newer believers.  We are not wanting to replace their church, but better help them be ready to serve in their church. 

In our community building - we will eventually have a 24/7 prayer room, healing & prophetic rooms and a place for community worship services for those on the property.  

Our passion is to minister to a lost & hurting world.   To equip the saints to do the same and to be a blessing to our community and surrounding areas.  Our hopes are that we can pour out God's love in a mighty way to bring more and more souls into the Kingdom, get them discipled, called into their purpose & destiny and released to do God's business!!!!  We also have a passion to give generously to help those in need and to help others launch into their God given destinies.