Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Shift is Coming & Guest Blogger

In this blog:

A Shift Coming (short word) 
Guest Blogger - Tim Truesdale
Upcoming Event
"Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it."  Habakkuk 1:5

Several weeks ago, early in the morning I was still deep in sleep when I heard what I thought was a "sonic boom".  It was so loud that it startled me awake.  I immediately sensed in my spirit the Lord was showing me a "shift" was coming.  Something is about to change.  Something big is about to happen.  I sense that July is going to be a whirlwind month for many.  The Lord spoke to me these words "I'm doing a new thing.  Watch and see and be utterly amazed".   

All I can say is hold on, go with the flow of the Holy Spirit and trust that He has good things coming in the days ahead.  The most important thing we can do is cling to Him and His Word! 

"I am the Lord, all powerful.  So don't depend on your own power or strength, but on My Spirit.  Zechariah 4:6.  

Guest Blogger - Tim Truesdale would like a favor from you.  Here's what he writes!
As I recently sat down with my 8-year old son, I asked a probing question; “Isaac, what does it mean to be a real man?”. A very thoughtful boy, he spent a long moment considering the question, then turned his gaze into my eyes and confessed “I don’t know Dad”. That confirmed my assumption: I have to write about what it means to be a “real man”. For myself, for my 2 boys, and for anyone I can reach with this message.
In working with Men for 10+ years, here are my observations
1) Most of our society’s worst problems are primarily Men’s issues. I am not saying there aren’t women enablers, and women are certainly involved in these social devastations. But these are largely the domain of Men:
Crime & Incarceration, Mass Killings, Children in Poverty, Rape Culture, Domestic Violence, Sexual & Psychological Abuse, and the Destructive Bomb of the Sex Trade (now the #1 Industry in America)
2) Many men in our country face isolation and struggle with loneliness. Men in church are not exempt from loneliness, and even Pastors can feel “alone” in dealing with the burdens that walking out normal life deals us. In fact, by the time they reach the age of 40, the average American man has only 1 friend...and some have none at all.
3) There are some very gifted people ministering with Men in the church.
On the other hand, there is a very large hole in in the market for materials that discuss real issues faced by real men.
4) I am asking 1000 Men and Women to take this Survey in the next 6 days. It will help you focus on the STRENGTHS of whoever played the role of Dad in your life, whether it was a Father, a Stepfather, A Close Male Relative, or even a Mother. The survey will only take 5 minutes!
5) Using the results of the Survey, I am conducting in-person interviews with insightful people and testing my assumptions about what it means to be "a real man".
6) Sometime in the next 30 days, I plan to start pre-sales on the book, called "Disconnected: Why Men Unplug, and What Can Be Done About It". I plan to have the book avaialbe for the publisher by the end of the Summer, with delivery expected before Christmas.
7) Please contact me with comments, concerns, or questions at
Thank you for your participation! I sincerely appreciate it!
The online survey can be accessed from:

Please help Tim out by completing the survey, if you would!  It took me about 2 minutes!

Please as you feel led, continue to pray -pray for strength as we endure slaying all the new big giants in our our "promised land here", pray for provision until God opens the door for our new purposes, and  please continue to pray for my healing so that I can have energy, no pain and more freedom to minister.

How can we pray for you?  Please let us know!  
If you have been blessed by this ministry or feel led to support what God is doing through us - financially, below are a few options.  Your generosity and your prayer support is greatly appreciated and needed as we continue to walk in faith and God's calling. 

God Bless YOU -
Ken & Michele Cole,

Tax deductible donations can be made by visiting:
1., select Ministry Projects, then use drop down box Ken & Michele Cole - Want InSight?
2. Or you can donate through my medical account, select Medical Projects, then Michele Cole.  
(any donations made through HH is if you want us to know, please let us know).
3.  You can donate through our Donor Fund at National Christian Foundation:

Donate to Ken & Michele Cole-  The Want InSight Phil 4:19 Fund !

4. Non tax deductible donations can be made directly to us by:
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