What do we do when it keeps raining? Imagine being out to sea and a huge storm rolls in. The thunder is cracking above you, the lightning strikes hit the water all around you and your boat capsizes. You're being tossed about by the ever swelling waves. You trying swimming but it only wears you out to the point of utter exhaustion. You don't feel you can go on. You are thinking it would be just easier to drown and be done with it. Have you ever felt that way? Are you going through a storm?
Two nights this week I had dreams. The first dream I remember seeing a metallic sign on wood posts at the edge of a property saying "To God be the Glory" and in the other dream I was speaking the words "To God be the Glory. I had a general idea of what that means - but looking further it was about giving God praise and glory for things He has done, things He is doing and things He will do. I've been doing that. I've been trying to stay in a posture of Thanksgiving and Praise - even when I don't feel it. It really does help you get the focus off self and onto Him. And yet, the storms, the raging waves continue to pound and that can cause you to lose focus. We need to keep our eyes, hearts and posture focused on God. There are so many things going on in the world that are trying to distract us from the Lord.In my quiet time today, the Lord asked me to read in 2 Kings 2. This is the story about Elijah and Elisha. Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion when he was going to be taken away. He wasn't asking for power, wealth or worldly advantages. He was asking for the inheritance a first born son would receive in Deuteronomy 21:17. He was asking for the ability to carry out and handle the calling on his life that the Lord had for him. He was asking for the anointing that would bless others and bless the Lord. Because of his devotion and ability to remain strong through all the testing, God honored this request and he was blessed with the double portion. He was also given the ministry of Elijah. It is not often that one ministry will hand over their ministry to another. With the right heart posture, with a life of persevering through testing and trials, God rewards those people. That's what God wanted me to see and maybe you too! He says when you persevere, when you keep your devotion on Me even through the storms of life, even know you are being tossed all over the place, I see you. I am with you. I am for you. He told me how proud He was of me for all of this..... though it's been a long difficult journey.
Also, this morning the Lord gave me this quote: Don't let what you SEE stop you from BELIEVING what I have SAID! I AM true to My WORD! and then To God be the Glory, forever and ever. Amen!He was reminding me that His promises are Yes and Amen. That nothing can thwart His plans for our lives. That includes the healing He promised in 2002. That means the provision for the vision. That means destiny will be fulfilled.
The more I look around at this world.. what's going on, the food shortages, inflation and the threats looming of even greater issues, I see this year, God setting the stage, preparing the way for the calling He has for us. That may sound odd. As you know the Lord has called us to build a retreat center - a refuge - a ministry center that will reach the lost, the hurting the broken - bring them in, heal them up, disciple them and equip them to go out and do the same. What seems impossible in the natural - especially financially - is POSSIBLE with the Lord. What seems impossible with my health and chronic issues and one thing after another, is POSSIBLE with the Lord. He has promised us to give us all that we need to do what He's asking of us! To God be the Glory now and forever and ever. Amen!
If you are going through a storm - maybe these songs will help you as they do me!!
Casting Crowns - Praise you in the Storm - https://youtu.be/0YUGwUgBvTU
Mercy Me - Move - https://youtu.be/bAZgI1RW0Wo
Toby Mac - Move - https://youtu.be/MX1G71WK-FA
Cece Winans - It Ain't Over - https://youtu.be/09zCc_pHKmI
Prayer requests:
Ken took on a side painting job to help make a dent in tax bill - that will keep him busy for the next 4 weekends. Painting is a pretty physical job and he is worn out each night. Pray for him to have stamina to work 6 days....and that his day off is restful and rejuvenating.
Me - I've had some kind of stomach bug or food poisoning that has lasted 2 weeks now. We ate some sushi (not raw) but it didn't taste good as if something was wrong with it so I'm wondering if that did this. We both had issues - Ken just got over sooner. (TMI) Pray for sleep - it's hit or miss. I'm thankful for the nights I get decent sleep. I had 3 Facebook Marketing interviews this week - and a Tasting Party for Thrive Life - Please pray God would provide through these.
If you have a prayer need or a praise report you'd like to share, please email me. I am so thankful for all the prayers and support you provide! God is good!
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people. Ephesians 1:18
Now is the time....
Hugs, love and prayers.
Ken & Michele Cole

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Donor Fund - The Signatry - Ken & Michele Cole - listed under Want InSight Fund.