Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  James 1:4 NIV

And let endurance have its perfect [b]result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:4 NASB

What a season we are in!! Are you feeling it too? 

The movie Overcomer just came into our area. God knows what you need when you need it!   It was such an excellent movie about perseverance and endurance and focusing on the prize set before us!   I won't spoil the movie in case you haven't seen it - but I will say that there is one part of the movie that almost verbatim was what God has been speaking to me in my quiet time.   I may have to watch it a few 1000 more times until this season of endurance is over!!!  (Please let that be today)  LOL! 

Switch gears a bit....

The other day I was praying for a friend and I got a vision.  
I felt led to invite angelic hosts to intercede and do battle. I saw a battle above your place going on ...and so I asked God to bring the heavy hitters, the angels who can destroy the works of darkness. I see swords clashing but I see a brilliant light on the other side of the battle field. That's the side the angels are heading towards taking ground. There are many casualties on the evil side. I see the banner Victory Line.

Just a few minutes after I shared this vision with my friend, another post came in view that confirmed my vision. It was so reassuring....here's the article here - https://wandaalger.me/2019/09/09/the-angelic-host-are-awaiting-our-instructions/?fbclid=IwAR2fxMD7iuKXBzawf7ifP8a0vmJl_SC_eWm_8Av4FP977UhlnsS5fQaN6wY

For those that know me, know my brain works like a connect the dot board.  I pick up easily on themes and patterns and it's reassuring to know that God is speaking to others similarly to what He's speaking to me.  So many of us are going through an incredibly difficult and long season - waiting on God for a promise or two or three.   It's comforting to know that others are in the battle with you.  I am so thankful for those who are praying for me/us continually - and for those who check in with me regularly.   Honestly, I don't know what I would do without you all!   So thankful for the Body of Christ! 

wanted to share this post from one that Lana Vawser in Australia wrote.  It does a great job of explaining where many of us are at.....   Here's the link as well. https://lanavawser.com/2019/09/03/i-heard-the-lord-say-i-am-establishing-you-in-endurance/

For the last few months the Lord has been speaking to me a lot about endurance. That there is a deep work of His Spirit taking place right now to raise up a people of ENDURANCE.
1. the ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.
2. the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear.
SYNONYMS: continuance, continuity, continuation, lasting power, durability, permanence, longevity; constancy, stability, changelessness, immutability; rare, lastingness, everlastingness, bearing, tolerance, sufferance, fortitude, forbearance, patience, acceptance, resignation, resolution, determination;
(Definition taken from Google)
As I sat with the Lord recently speaking with Him regarding a battle that I was in and I was feeling weary, what the Holy Spirit spoke to me surprised me. He said to me “Lana, I am giving you a gift”. Immediately I was excited. “Awesome! Thank you Jesus! What is the gift?” His next word surprised me. He said “ENDURANCE”.
I expected Him to say “BREAKTHROUGH!!!” or something that would indicate the end of the battle immediately. Now, had He promised me breakthrough in my battle in the circumstances I was facing, ABSOLUTELY, but what happened in that moment? I was taken to a place where I realised not only was the Lord going to fulfil His promise to me and I was going to seize the land He had promised me, but in the midst of my battle, in the midst of my wrestle, in the midst of the testing of my faith, in the midst of the pressing and the hardship, God was not only going to remain faithful to His Word, but my loving Father was doing something BIGGER than I expected. In the midst of the battle, God was doing something so much bigger than I could ever imagine. He was teaching me to ENDURE and strengthen Me to “go the distance” and move forward in longevity. To run empowered by the Spirit into all that He has for me and my destiny stronger than ever and without hindrance.
Since that encounter with the Lord, the word ENDURANCE is burning in me. The Lord spoke to me that this is a corporate decree and banner over the body of Christ right now, that He is building a people of ENDURANCE. He is teaching the body of Christ what it means to ENDURE.
The Lord is burning strongly on my heart that we NEED this work of His Spirit in endurance in our hearts and lives right now in order to CARRY what He is releasing in this new era.
In this new era God is removing HIGHLIGHTING and DEALING with anything that would hinder His people from living in strong endurance. He’s delivering His people from the fear of man, He is bringing His people higher into the revelation of living from your seat (Ephesians 2:6), He is healing the heart, He is aligning the heart, there is a testing of faith that’s taken place, He is establishing His people deeper in the Word of God, He is dealing with compromise and awakening the Church, He is going to restore the fear of God to the Church, He is sounding the alarm for CONSECRATION AND HOLINESS, plus SO much more.
The Lord has been showing me in so many ways, in order for us to partner with Him and His Spirit in what He is going to do in the earth in this new era, it is going to require a people that are established in endurance in Him. It is going to require a mature Church that is founded and grounded in the Word and established in discernment and the ways of God. It’s going to require a people who are living by every word from His mouth (Matthew 4:4) and are sensitive to His ways and know what it is to live in the place of strength and endurance, DESPITE what is going on around them in the natural.
Living in the place of deep endurance comes not from anything in the natural but from relationship with Him and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Friends, I want to encourage you, your battle has not been for nothing. The Lord is going to be faithful to His Word to you. He is going to make things right. He is going to demonstrate Himself as healer like you’ve never seen. He is going to reintroduce you to His power and the earth is going to be reintroduced to His power like never before.
The Lord is not only giving you gifts of joy and breakthrough in this new era, but He is also giving you a gift in the midst of your battle. ENDURANCE! As you walk this battle WITH Jesus and allowing Him to do His work within you, He is teaching you what it means to ENDURE. He is preparing you for the future. He is training you to walk by faith. I am not saying the circumstances of evil, sickness, disease, pain, trauma are authored by Him, that is NOT what I am saying. What I am saying is IN the fire He is teaching you to ENDURE with Him by faith and to OVERCOME. Many new ministries, new assignments and anointings are being released in the fire right now where the Lord is establishing endurance.
I prophesy to you that as you come out of these battles, as you come out of the fire, you are coming out with ENDURING FAITH. You are coming out with STAYING POWER! You are coming out TRANSFORMED and FORTIFIED by His hand and the power of His Word outworking in your life. You will KNOW that it is the hand of God and the energising POWER of His Spirit because of the level of weariness you have experienced and experience, you continue to push through, you continue to fight, you continue to believe, you fall down and get back up again. That’s not your efforts, that’s Him! “Somehow” you get the strength to fight again, that’s the Holy Spirit. As much as hope deferred screams, disappointment hangs heavy there’s still something within you that gives you a little strength to ‘keep hanging in there’ – that’s JESUS! Even in the moments where you have said “I GIVE UP”, there’s something in you causing a ‘restlessness’ that says “keep hanging in there!!”, yet causes your soul to SCREAM “I want to give up”.
In those places, God is whispering “I am teaching you to live by MY SPIRIT and not your soul. To live by your soul will cause you to fall, to live by My Spirit will cause you to ENDURE.”
There is a divine rearranging taking place that in these battles the Lord is teaching His people to live by the Spirit and not led by the soul.
Out of His love, God is training, healing, building and establishing the Church in endurance like we have never seen because in this new era there will be many times where the Church will need the STAYING POWER OF FAITH and the heart of endurance that speaks, charges forward and remains even when all of hell tries to stop it in the earth. The enduring power that Jesus demonstrated at the Cross is being released into His people NOW for the sake of the glorious GOOD NEWS of the Gospel going forth. An army of light arising in this hour of Isaiah 60 unapologetic, unashamed and unshakeable declaring Jesus as the way, the truth and the life and being immovable by the impossibilities that shout.
We are entering into a time of the greatest demonstrations of His power in the earth and seeing His Glory manifest as a Church arises with great endurance and conviction living and governing from the heavenly places and seeing it manifest on the earth. The Church that endures and walks by faith like never before that will see the most glorious signs, wonders and miracles in the face of giants, opposition or darkness. His light and Glory will shine brighter.
The overcomers are truly being birthed!
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; 11 being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks[a] to the Father, who has qualified you[b] to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.” (Colossians 1:9-12 ESV)
“My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! 3 For you know that when your faith is tested[a] it stirs up power within you to endure all things. 4 And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.” (James 1:2-4 TPT)   END
Here's what I have been meditating on - I pray it encourages and strengthens you!! 
And the God of peace will swiftly POUND Satan to a pulp under your feet! And the wonderful favor of our Lord Jesus will surround you.  Romans 16:20TPT 

Please continue to pray for God's healing touch on my body - sleep, pain & just complete healing!!   
Please pray for Ken's shoulder and wrist - some pain - seems to be aggravated by work - lots of heavy lifting.
Please continue to pray for God's provision.  
Please continue to pray for God's perfect timing on destiny. 
And if you have any prayer requests, please email me.  

Michele Cole

We are thankful and blessed by those of you who support us financially from time to time.  Would you please pray for us to have consistent, regular donors to help fund what God is doing in us and through us?  Any amount is truly a gift from the Lord.  Thank YOU!   

Here are three ways you can give:

1.  Non tax deductible donations can be made to:
     Ken & Michele Cole, PO Box 371, El Dorado Springs, MO 64744.
     This is the only way currently we can use funds for our personal needs at this time.  or through PayPal.Me/micheleacole

2.  Tax deductible options:

     Checks payable to Sonlit Fields, PO Box 371, El Dorado Springs, MO 64744
     This goes into our ministry account to be used for outreach and saving towards our vision.

     Donor Fund - The Signatry - Ken & Michele Cole - listed under Want InSight Fund.
     7171 W 95th Street, Suite 501, Overland Park, KS 66212
     Phone 913 310 0279
     This is an option to keep gifts anonymous - again for outreach and savings toward our vision.

God has given us a vision to build a retreat property along with ministry equipping center.  
The retreat portion of our ministry is to provide a safe place for pastors, lay leaders & other ministry folks to come and be refreshed & encouraged through prophetic ministry (if wanted).  We will offer private cabins with kitchens & full bathrooms, and plenty of places to roam on the property to get quiet with the Lord. 
We will offer other specialty retreats - marriage, healing, prophetic teaching & activating people into the world & health and wellness retreats and more.  

The Lord has graced us with the desire to come alongside the Church - to bring healing, deliverance & freedom to new/newer believers.  We are not wanting to replace their church, but better help them be ready to serve in their church. 
In our community building - we will eventually have a 24/7 prayer room, healing & prophetic rooms and a place for community worship services for those on the property.  

Our passion is to minister to a lost & hurting world.   To equip the saints to do the same and to be a blessing to our community and surrounding areas.  Our hopes are that we can pour out God's love in a mighty way to bring more and more souls into the Kingdom, get them discipled, called into their purpose & destiny and released to do God's business!!!!  We also have a passion to give generously to help those in need and to help others launch into their God given destinies.