Psalm 27:13-14
What do you do when the Lord is silent? Have you had a season where it seems God is quiet? When reading His Word is hard? When prayers "seem" to go not just unanswered but unnoticed? When life seems to get harder and harder and you see no relief in sight? What do you do? What can you do?
• KNOW that God is with
you! He will never leave you nor forsake you! Heb 13:5
to know
(strong's 3045) is a verb - it's an action that we take - it means to
acknowledge, confess and admit! We must confess, believe in faith and
acknowledge that God is with us always!! Even if we don't feel His
Presence, or hear His Voice, we must know He is still with us!
We need to TRUST that God is in control
and that we can TRUST in Him and lean not on to our own
understanding, acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths. Prov 3:5-7

WAIT for the Lord; be strong and take
heart and WAIT for the Lord. Psalm 27:14
to wait
(strong's 1994) is a verb - it's an action that we take - it means to look for,
expect and to hope. Bob Sorge writes in his new book Between the
Lines, God is Writing Your Story, that waiting on God is "doing
whatever it takes to stay in faith". I highly recommend this book -
for all believers who follow the Lord wholeheartedly! (you can purchase
it here:
Did you notice that all three of these words are verbs - which means we
must choose to do something. Matthew 11:12 tells us we must take the
Kingdom by force. We cannot sit idly by and expect things to change.
Faith is a verb. Faith without works is dead!
When you are weary, when you feel there is no hope left to go on, surround yourself with godly people who will speak life into your heart, mind and soul. Hang with those who will not judge you, but comfort you even if they cannot understand. If you don't have anyone, ask the Lord to bring those around you. He will provide all you need. Phil 4:19 Read the Psalms, they will speak into your situation and comfort you knowing that others have gone before you and can relate....and God saw them through. He will see you through too! KNOW, TRUST & WAIT!
Never, never, never give up...Winston Churchill
Never, never, never give up...Winston Churchill
Thank YOU to those who have submitted their stories! Wow! Yea!
Several years ago, the Lord gave me an idea for a book and He is telling me now to get started on it. I am in need of your help! The book is going to be a collection of stories from people just like you! I mean from YOU, if you would be so kind to help. I can't tell you too much yet because it's kind of a surprise.
If you would like to share something, I have a few questions that I would like you to choose from (if you want to share more than one story, that is ok too). Your story can be funny, serious, sad or an amazing testimony but it needs to apply to one of the questions I share below. Just one condition - please be real, authentic and as detailed as possible so people will hear your heart, your pain or whatever emotion applies.
- What is one thing you prayed for that God answered for you the way you expected?
- If there was one thing you wish someone would of shared with you when you became a believer, what would it have been? (This can be funny - like, I wish I knew not to pray for patience)
- What is one thing you wish you didn't pray for because the answer from God came in a way you didn't expect?
- Share a story of what took radical obedience or mountain moving faith to see you through?
In your response to me please include the following:
- Your name and contact information (address, email and phone)
- Permission to use your story and your name and/or initials if chosen to use.
- List the question you answered at the top of your story.
- Please email me your story at
- Please put in the subject line of your email - "Book"
- And if you have questions, please feel free to email me.
- Deadline - let's say end of year 12/31/12.
If you have been blessed by this ministry or feel led to support us financially and pray for us, below are ways you can. Your generosity and your prayer support is greatly appreciated and needed as we continue to walk in faith and God's calling.
Ken and I love to pray for folks who need a touch from the Lord - with words of encouragement, words of knowledge and a healing touch. If you are someone in need, please let us know. We also have a passion to activate and influence believers to walk in radical obedience to a fun and wonderful God! There is just nothing like it!
If you are interested in Ken and I coming to minister to you, your small group or church, or go on a "treasurehunt" with us, please give us a call or email. We would be delighted to!
"When you see a need try to meet it. Indifference makes an excuse, but love finds a way. -Joyce Meyer"
God Bless YOU -
Ken & Michele Cole,
Tax deductible donations can be made by visiting:
1., select Ministry Projects, then use drop down box Ken & Michele Cole - Want InSight?
2. Or you can donate through my medical account, select Medical Projects, then Michele Cole.
(any donations made through HH is if you want us to know, please let us know).
3. You can donate through our Donor Fund at National Christian Foundation:
Donate to Ken & Michele Cole- The Want InSight Phil 4:19 Fund !
4. Non tax deductible donations can be made directly to us by:
Paypal -
5. If you purchase any product from or, we will receive a percentage back.
6. Send check to our home. Please contact us for our address.
Dr Gary Wood - Dec 7th - 9th at Jubilee - This guy died & God brought him back to life! Powerful anointing for healing!
Tony Kemp - March 8-10th 2013 at Jubilee - Healing & Prophetic! Good stuff!