Daily we are all faced with making ethical choices, some more obvious than others. And, as a business owner and manager, I must make on the job decisions that affect the success of the business, my staff and their careers. Success to me is defined by strong values and high integrity and not by dollar signs!
After many years as a mortgage consultant for other companies, (nationally known names) I became increasingly aware of the sometimes not- so- straightforward methods employed by these companies to obtain mortgage loan business. Clients weren’t individual with specific needs, they became a “transaction”, a number to add to the volume closed that month. So, we chose to put our client’s needs first and foremost. Thus, InSight Mortgage Group was founded on the principles of integrity, superior customer service, and biblical principles of stewardship. I am a qualified member, one of three mortgage professionals in the entire country, of Kingdom Advisors. Kingdom Advisors is an organization that equips the financial professional to walk out their faith and biblical principles in the marketplace and to pass along sound financial wisdom to their clients. You can learn more about them at www.kingdomadvisors.org.
We’ve promised to deliver the best possible solution to our clients needs even if that means losing the loan. It disturbs us to see what many mortgage companies are continuing to do these days: over promising and under delivering. And in this tough economic climate it’s happening a lot. Typically what happens is a lender quotes a lower rate than the competition, and is charging additional fees and not disclosing them, or hiding them under the guise of other charges. And what impact does this have? First, the client who has just experienced a closing with unexpectedly higher costs, feels trapped at the last minute without other choices and ends with a highly negative attitude and end result. Then, the bad experience reflects poorly back on the industry as a whole, possibly lumping all mortgage consultants together as crooks or liars.
Proverbs 11:18 teaches us: “The wicked man earns deceptive wages, but he who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.”
We believe in building relationships and have appreciated the repeat business of many clients, and the referral of business from their family, friends and associates. It’s a foundation of trust and the knowledge of being treated with respect and honesty. A mentor and friend, Rick Boxx, said it best, “Selling with integrity can be very difficult. It takes self control and a relational approach, rather than a self-serving transactional approach.”
"Michele is Believer who has based her Mortgage company, Insight Mortgage Group, on all the Christian principles from the Bible, and who does not believe in gouging the clients. In fact, her whole company is based on Christian love and care for each other and making sure that her clients are getting the best deal possible within the Mortgage industry. Of course, just like you, she needs to make a living along the way, but she does not make her living hi-jacking unsuspecting buyers. God rewards his trusted Christian believers for their service and for their honesty and caring of our fellow man." - V. Thomas
There will be daily temptations to give in to greed, take advantage of others, and cut some corners. Stand strong and do what you say you’re going to do, speak honestly, be responsible and accountable for your actions and make good ethical decisions. Let your actions show that you are a person of integrity. Talk is cheap. Do you want to work with someone who talks a good talk but then doesn’t deliver? Remember this one: Actions speak louder than words.
"What I can testify is the fact that Michelle, after many tearful phone calls of desperation, took a clear and unbias look at our situation and clearly explained our options, sure we could refinance or try to move and solve the short term problem. We would have been stuck with a crazy interest rate and a larger monthly payment, and have lost some equity in our home, but in my eyes we would have skipped a house payment, stopped our late pays and late credit reporting, and avoided foreclosure. Michele also gave me some hard words to hear in terms of dealing with our financial situation, it would not be in our best interest, and the amazing part is she put our best interest first in turning our eyes upon the true inner nature of our situation. I know she could have made money off of our unfortunate situation, but she didn't. She gave us some wonderful contacts and advice to dig in and work with our mortgage company to resolve the issue, save our home, and face the bad habits that put us in that situation to begin with. Looking back I am so UNBELIEVABLY thankful we never refinanced and put that bandaid on a quite larger wound. We worked with our mortgage company, had our loan modified, became current with our mortgage, and we learned some hard but awesome life lessons along the way. She will always have our business. And because we learned(and still learning) how to manage and handle our finances, that in turn enables us to move in the near future" E. Hammond
A principle we strive to embody is from Philippians 2:4 "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others”.
At InSight Mortgage Group we want to help people make good sound choices, ones they can live with today and in the future. Please call us at 913-642-3334 or email us at michele@wantinsight.com or dickw@wantinsight.com for trusted, client-focused answers to your mortgage or financial questions. Blessings
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