Friday, December 4, 2009

Who are you seeking advice from?

I've been talking with several folks recently all of whom are asking for advice? Should we pay off our debt? If we could pay off our mortgage would that be wise? I have good credit but my lender won't let me do a rate reduction to lower my payment unless I'm a few months late on my mortgage payments. Should I just not pay my mortgage? These are just a few of the questions I receive pretty regularly.

Who are you seeking advice from? If your answer is God, then you've answered correctly. It is not only the best advice you'll ever get, but there is no substitute for the wisdom God can provide you. God is much wiser than any man!

If you're advisor is one who seeks the Lord for wisdom and counsel, then that is who I'd recommend. The bible tells us to seek the kingdom of God first and His righteousness, and all things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33. How do you know if your advisor is someone who follows God's Word? Ask? Find out what organizations they belong to? Find out where they've got their training?

One of the organizations I belong to and have become a qualified member of is Kingdom Advisors. ( Kingdom Advisors is an organization that equips the finacial professional with ongoing education to walk out biblical financial stewardship in our own lives as well as helping our customers make sound decisions.

Crown Ministries ( is a ministry whose purpose is to also teach and equip the believer to understand money God's way. One main thing I've learned through their ministry and study groups is that God owns it all! Money is not really yours. God owns it and has ultimate control over it (whether you realize it or not). God provides our every need (Phil 4:19). Once we learn to surrender to this realization, a weight comes off our shoulders. A pressing need to worry about our finances is lifted. That's why I highly recommend you work with an advisor that has this background!

There are many I can discuss and share with you but these are just a couple I am fond of. When we seek advice, we should first go to God for His infinite and timeless wisdom. "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked."

If you are looking for a professional who can help you with sound financial wisdom, God's way, please email me and I will make the connection for you!

Blessings abundant to you and your family this Christmas Season!

Michele "MAC". A. Cole
Business Development
The InSight Team

If you are looking to refinance or purchase a home, please let the InSight Team lend insight in your home financing needs!

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