Monday, July 2, 2012

Are you prepared? How can you be?

I'm sure many of you have been following the fires that have devastated many in Colorado?
Here are some facts that I found from the Red Cross.  

The following information shows our total service delivery since the beginning of wildfire response in Colorado:
There are over 300 homes that have been burned down from this fire.  News reports show tens of thousands are homeless.

Did you know that a recent storm hit West Virginia?  Over 80% of the state has been and is still without power.  A friend of mine who lives there said that it could take up to two weeks to restore power.  She also went on to say that one of the water companies there said that since they weren't able to monitor water usage with the power out, they were going to turn off water too.  I don't know if that happened or not but that was the latest thing I had heard.   Can you imagine - 100 degree heat, no air conditioning and no water!  This is not a good situation.

Another article -

Summer storms leave 2 million people without power...

As of Monday morning, around 2 million customers along the East Coast and as far west as Illinois remained without power. Since Friday, severe weather has been blamed for at least 17 deaths. By Ben Nuckols, Associated Press / July 2, 2012

What would you do?  Are you prepared?  Do you have a plan on where you would go if disaster hit your area?  Do you have stored food and water?  Now, I'm not trying to be a doom and gloom kind of person.  The fact is we are seeing an increase in severe weather patterns across the world.  We are seeing more "catastrophic" storms that are causing major devastation.  
The more you and I can learn and become prepared, the less chance of having to rely on the government for help.  I heard that in Hurricane Katrina, you had to wait all day to get food for that day.  I don't know about you, but I surely don't want to stand out in 100 degree heat for food and water?  What I have seen is that many Americans have a "entitlement" mentality and expect the government or the state to help them out.  Folks, the government and our states are BROKE!!!!!  Are you willing to put your life and the lives of your family at risk?  
Below is a link to a 3 day conference coming up in August that can help educate you on emergency preparedness and give you the tools you need.  Seating is limited, so I highly recommend you reserve your spot today.  You can learn more about this conference by visiting link below... but also check out and  Want to know how you can support our ministry indirectly?  Some of you have asked how you can and we thank you!  If you purchase any products on Prepare The Way, we get a little something and if you are interested in more information on how to invest in Bulk Food Investing, please give us a call at 913-980-4474.

Welcome to the Prepare The Way 

Your trusted source for preparedness education and products.

Really Ready Weekend, August 23 - 25, 2012
Never before a hands-on preparedness training like this one.
In a weekend, learn vital preparation skillsConnect with people of like mind. Walk away with the skills and confidence to be ready when it counts. And, for the first time ever,experience a private tour of the Prepare The Way cave warehouse. Click Here to Register

Would you like your investment to be a WIN-WIN?
Our investments can feed you in times of emergency AND have the potential for a huge return.

Profiting From Preparation will help you transform the assets you have today into reliable food stores and potential profit in the future. 

Join us in Kansas City for our readiness practicum.

Really Ready Weekend #3:
August 23-25, 2012
Kansas City

Reserve your seat today.

Another thing you can do is learn how to help people in times of crisis.  Another friend of mine has a ministry called ARK International They have some great information on their website and offer many classes as well.  Please check them out.  

I am also including a link to a blog from a friend.  This also has some valuable tools and resources.  

I have hosted several Shelf Reliance 25 Year Shelf Life Food Shows in the past year and the response has been amazing.  The food is scrumptious and if you host a show, the representative, Kerry Black is who I use, will prepare some delicious dishes all from food storage ingredients.  You would never know the difference.  I will be hosting another one probably this fall.  Check the website out and let her know if you have any questions or if you are intersted in hosting a home show.  Again, please mention our name as we will get a party referral credit.  Their hostess benefits are great!  

Now, I also want to say that this blog wasn't or isn't meant to be a sales pitch but a source of information on how you can get prepared and I've just listed some of the places where we have experienced great products, good prices and great people.

Obviously, the best thing you can do is pray!  Pray and seek the Lord and ask Him what He would want you to do to get prepared.  Common sense says have at least a 3 month supply, but seek Him for those answers.  

Ken and I love to pray for folks who need a touch from the Lord - with words of encouragement, words of knowledge and a healing touch.  If you are someone in need, please let us know.  We also have a passion to activate and influence believers to walk in radical obedience to a fun and wonderful God!  There is just nothing like it!

If you are interested in Ken and I coming to minister to you, your small group or church, please give us a call.  We would be delighted to!

God Bless YOU -
Ken & Michele Cole,

Donate to The Want InSight - Phil 4:19 Fund!

This is how you can give to support the ministry God has entrusted us with, if the Lord so leads you:
Tax deductible donations can be made by visiting:
1., select Ministry Projects, then use drop down box Ken & Michele Cole - Want InSight?
2. Or you can donate through my medical account, select Medical Projects, then Michele Cole.

3. Non tax deductible donations can be made directly to us by:

4. Paypal - account is

5. Send check to our home. Please contact us for our address.
Any donations made through Helping Hands will be anonymous. If you want us to know that you supported us through them, please let us know personally. Thank YOU

Events Coming UP!

Jubilee Ministry Center - 189 S Rogers Road, Olathe, KS

Tony Kemp
Friday, August 17th 7:00pm
Saturday, August 18th 7:00pm

Sunday Service, August 19th 10:30am

A love offerings will be taken.

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